Learn more about our events and find recurring meetings on our calendar!
Youth Climate Action Summit
Time and Location TBD! Save the date for Saturday, March 15th for our annual Youth Climate Action Summit.
Youth4Climate’s Summit is an annual event where students and the community can connect with a network of local climate activists, access Y4C resources and knowledge, learn from community leaders, climate scientists, and & other experts, and participate in collaborative, innovative, and restorative activities!

Past Programs and Events

Vote for Climate Rally
On October 12th, youth and adults from throughout San Diego county rallied and marched for our Vote for Climate campaign! The youth of San Diego urged adults to make the vote that they couldn’t and vote for their future. The rally featured all youth speakers and emphasized the importance of the 2024 election for climate action.

Fall 2023 Global Youth Climate Strikes – Sept 15, 2023
Since 2021, SanDiego350’s Youth4Climate has empowered thousands of youth throughout San Diego to mobilize for climate justice as part of the September Global Day of Climate Action. In 2023, we supported 17 school strikes. School strikes help students inspire more of their peers to act for the climate because they’re close-to-home. They also build student organizers’ skills and sense of agency as they step into leadership roles.

“Waves of Change” Summit Summer 2023
The Summit took place on August 19, 2023 at the WorldBeat Cultural Center. It was designed for high school and college students interested in honing their skills as an activist of any kind. Participants attended multiple engaging workshops and activities aimed at fueling collaborative efforts to envision a climate-friendly future, build local movements and combat eco-anxiety in a nourishing and positive way.

All Hands on Deck: Climate Leaders Don’t Drill Action
On August 6th (2023), youth from around San Diego gathered at San Diego Bay for the All Hands on Deck: Climate Leaders Don’t Drill Action. Throughout the event, youth leaders held speeches calling on Governor Newsom to take action and become the climate leader we need him to be by phasing out fossil fuels in California. Attendees pressed their handprint on the banner, pledging their support in urging Governor Newsom to phase up oil extraction in CA

Y4C House Party
On July 29, 2023, in Carmel Valley, SanDiego350 and Y4C had a house party to celebrate youth climate leaders and raise funds to support our Youth4Climate program. The house party featured inspiring youth speakers, food, music and other activities. We raised over $5,000 to support Youth4Climate’s internships, staffing, and programs.
Thank you to our wonderful hosts: Mary Yang, Nan Renner, David & Peg Engel, Cynthia Harris and Futures Unbound Foundation.

Planting Connections Summer Retreat
This event took place July 22 (2023) at Presidio Park. We had a fun afternoon of team building, furthering connections, and restorative activities.

End Dependance on Fossil Fuels Day of Action
This event took place on June 29th (2023) at Waterfront Park. It was a part of Last Chance Alliance’s End-Dependence Day Distributed Actions that took place all throughout California. The event consisted of youth speakers, a powerful original poem by a youth activist, an oil spill demonstration, and speeches that highlighted the experience of victims of neighborhood drilling and climate change.
See More Youth v Oil Actions Here!

Climate Community Circle: Cultivating Resiliency
On May 20th (2023), we met at Kate Sessions Park, where we discussed sustaining our climate action, how to make connections, and how to find your place in the movement, and we took time to recharge!

Big Oil Resistance Tour
The Big Oil Resistance Tour’s stop in San Diego on May 6 (2023) was a hit, with more than a hundred concerned community members and seasoned climate activists alike learning more about the adverse effects of oil drilling and fossil fuel dependency in our area, and the need to hold our government accountable regarding this issue. The event addressed the negative implications of oil drilling and its effects on frontline communities. It included a panel of climate activists working to fight back against Big Oil, and they discussed ways to get involved, such as attending Last Chance Alliance (LCA) monthly calls and getting involved with SanDiego350 to work against unjust oil drilling.

Spring 2023 Earth Day Campaign
Youth4Climate’s Eco Club Coalition supported students in organizing 16 dynamic, coordinated Earth Day events at high schools in San Diego County. Student attendees learned about climate justice and action, and how to take concrete action such as trying low-carbon foods, participating in rallies, contacting elected officials, and composting. Check out the link below for pictures of the events and resources you can use to take action.

Carnival for the Climate
On May 15, 2023, SanDiego350 hosted a Carnival for Climate! Carnival games were played, food was served, and there were wonderful performances for attendees to watch! Thank you to all who attended and volunteered!

Spring 2023 Earth Day: Social & Art Build
Members of the Eco Club Coalition planning Earth Day Events at their schools met up for an art build social planned by the wonderful Earth Day Working Group Leads: Abby, Emma, and Charlotte. Thank you to all who attended — some incredible art was created!

Fridays for Future Oil Spill
On Mar 3, 2023, youth across the globe held strikes for climate through Fridays for Future’s Global Climate Strike. Here in San Diego, Youth v. Oil members organized and participated in a rally with an oil spill action, where fake oil was poured on four students as another narrated the devastating impact of oil drilling and described the steps both Governor Newsom and the California State Legislature need to take in order to protect communities and the planet..

Party for the Planet
When: December 3, 2022 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Where: Balboa Park
A volunteer appreciation event, an Alice in Wonderland-themed tea party!

SDUSD Electrification
Our resolution urging the Board of Education to ELECTRIFIY THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT passed unanimously on April 25th, 2023! Check out our petition and news coverage.

Youth Community Care Circle
When: Sat, Nov 12 from 10 am to 11:30 am
Where: 6th Ave Playground, Balboa Park
This event was geared towards combatting Climate Anxiety through supportive and creative activities.

Climate Strike San Diego – Sep 23, 2022
In honor of Fridays For Future’s Global Day of Climate Action, on September 23rd youth and allies rallied across San Diego declaring “we do not want to inherit a damaged world!” Over 3,000 people from 20 schools throughout San Diego participated in this year’s Climate Strikes. On this symbolic day of global solidarity, activists worldwide rallied in their respective cities to express the urgency of addressing our current climate crisis by having international school walkouts, protests, and strikes.

Request a climate science + action presentation for your classroom (Fall 2022/Spring 2023)

Fall 2022 Youth4Climate Summit: Intersectional Changemakers
On October 9th, 2022, SanDiego350’s Youth4Climate hosted its fifth youth climate summit. We inspired and energized over 55 youth and adult supporters into action for climate!
Top reasons people were inspired to attend the Summit included: to meet other like-minded young people; to learn how to take action; and to learn more about intersectionality.

4th Annual Youth Climate Action Summit (June 11, 2022)
Every spring, Y4C hosts a Youth Climate Action Summit to empower youth throughout San Diego to rise up and protect their dreams through climate action. The 2022 Summit was a part-day, in-person event open to youth (from middle school through college), teachers, and adult supporters. The 2022 Y4C Summit theme was Creativity and Civic Action, focusing on resilience, art-ivism, and bold climate action.

The San Diego Climate Reality YEA (Youth Environmental Action) Pod hosted a “#People Not Profit” Climate Strike on March 25 (2022) in front of the San Diego County Administration Building. Members of Y4C participated. This event was part of a Global Climate Strike organized by Fridays for Future. The participants made the following DEMANDS to the state of California:
STOP Approving New Fossil Fuel Permits
DROP All Existing Fossil Fuel Production through a Fair and Just Transition
ROLL Out 3,200 foot Health & Safety setbacks between Neighborhoods and New and Existing Oil and Gas Wells
Check out more pictures of the event
Local press link: KPBS Evening News (climate segment starts at time 4:12)

Mentorship Opportunities (Spring 2022)
Two types of volunteer mentorships were available: Community Service Hour mentors (offered to college students); and Eco-Club Coalition mentors (offered to college and high school students). The program provided a great opportunity to bolster leadership experience, to join a community of like-minded climate justice activists, have fun, and be empowered. Training was provided.
Monthly Community Service Hours Program Meetings (Spring 2022)
The Community Service Hours (CSH) Program is designed to provide youth clear opportunities to take action for climate by supporting Youth4Climate and earn community service hours in the process. This program is geared towards students who are interested in developing skills and taking on concrete tasks without having to join a Y4C team.

Y4C Civic Leadership Club at San Diego High School (Spring 2022)
The Youth4Climate Civic Leadership Club is an interdisciplinary program to empower students to address critical climate, social, and environmental justice challenges by equipping them with the skills, networks, and self-confidence to become civic leaders. This unique leadership program focused on team-building, climate science, civic engagement training, and professional development. The program met three times weekly for six 3-week sections. A concurrent internship program provided job experiences to two high school interns.

Earth Day 2022 Campaign
The Eco-Club Coalition (ECC) Earth Day campaign aimed to empower students to take action and teach their peers about the climate crisis. In 2022, Earth Day was Fri, April 22. We designed a toolkit to help you plan your events. (The toolkit is good for Earth Day or any day!)

Eco Friendly Holiday Craft Making Party – Sat Dec 18, 2021
Youth4Climate met in Balboa Park for our Eco-Friendly Craft Making Social! It was such a beautiful and fun afternoon. We assembled our own unique mixes of loose leaf tea, potpourri, and ingredients for simmer pots. We reused boxes and crafted wrapping paper from newspaper and old paper bags. Thank you to everyone who came to hangout and celebrate the holidays sustainably with us!

Participant Appreciation Meet Up
Oct 24th 2021 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM at Kate Sessions
This meet up was held to show appreciation for Y4C participants! We had a short yoga session plus games and time to socialize.
Youth v. Gov Documentary Screening with a Youth Plaintiff and Director Christi Cooper
Oct 14, 2021 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
SanDiego350’s Youth4Climate Program sponsored a virtual screening of YOUTH V. GOV, a documentary about the 21 youth plaintiffs across the U.S. in the Juliana v. US case. These young people are suing the United States government for failing to protect their right to a safe climate system. The film, not yet released for private viewing, details these young people’s tenacious battle against the United States government. Our screening included a live Q&A with director Christi Cooper AND one of the youth plaintiffs, plus time for audience discussion.

Climate Strike San Diego – Sept 24, 2021
The Global Day of Climate Action is an annual direct action rally held in September, established by Fridays for Future. This day calls upon the world leaders to make concrete commitments to fight the climate crisis. This year, it precedes the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26) in November.
High school and college students marched on Sept 24 in student-led rallies. Protests took place in downtown San Diego and Chula Vista, as well as schools around the county including Canyon Crest Academy, High Tech High, Mission Vista High, Patrick Henry High, Westview High, SDSU and UCSD.
For pix, go to our Flickr album.
Link to local KPBS news coverage, and link to San Diego Union-Tribune coverage

Weekly Youth Calls
Find Your People! High School students gathered virtually to share ideas, learn about climate issues, organizing, building community, and get inspired and empowered! Led by students. Each week students were assigned climate buddies based on students’ goals.

Eco-Club: Leaders in Action Workshop (ECCLAW)
Sat, Aug 28, 2021 2:30-5 pm (PST)
You’ll learn how to start or strengthen an Eco-club with easy-to-use tools. During the workshop, we’ll feature expert speakers, hands-on exercises, fun social activities, community-building, and JEDI Training. All High School and College students are welcome, regardless of experience, background, location or financial situation! You do NOT need to part of an eco-club–we’ll give you tools you can use with any club.

Make a Splash
FREE end-of-summer Make A Splash! Program, with virtual and in-person activities. Dates: 7/22/21 through 8/26/2021, Tuesdays & Thursdays. Join in any or all.

Internships – Spring, 2022
In Spring 2022, Youth4Climate had three paid high school interns who continued from the fall semester: Communications, Eco Club Coalition, and Youth v. Oil. We are grateful to be able to offer these students work experience while maintaining our youth-led ethos!
Internships and Fellowships – Spring, 2021
The Youth4Climate Fellowship trained and empowered paid high school fellows, organized by college interns. The Fellowship started in January of 2021 and continued through the end of April.
Fellows built their professional and leadership skills by working to coordinate and bolster the Youth4Climate community. Each fellow worked with a team of volunteers to address one the following areas: Education and Outreach, Media, Strategic Campaigns, and Volunteer Coordination. Through the fellowship program, the fellows enriched their knowledge of the climate crisis and took action on climate justice. We are proud to be able to support high school students in building skills in areas that include: professional and interpersonal communication, media creation, volunteer engagement, meeting facilitation, public speaking, event programming, and campaign development.
The Youth4Climate Interns worked to support the high school volunteers and fellows. Interns developed fellowship trainings, provided leadership skills resources, worked with high school students one to one, coordinated events, kept up the website, and implemented inclusivity policies for the community.

Summer Camp 2021
The annual Youth4Climate Summer Camp returned in 2021. For three weeks, youth joined online to learn about how they could “Grow Into Climate Activists!” From June 21st to July 9th, Y4C hosted 3 weekly calls and 1 in-person social, each week catered towards steps in becoming a climate leader. With special guest speakers, and a great team of youth and adults planners, Y4C Summer Camp ’21 was a success!

Summer Camp 2020 (Virtual)
Summer 2020. The world is on fire, and youth are on the frontlines of demanding change. Join a community of passionate, like-minded youth making a difference.

Youth4Climate’s Level Up Summer Program (2021)
Join Youth4Climate to learn about environmental justice, our climate, and how you can help ensure we have a sustainable and equitable future for all San Diegans! Weekly afternoon sessions, in person, from July 19th-August 19th at Morse and Hoover. We meet Monday-Thursday with new content each session, so sign up for as many weeks as you would like!
All SDUSD students attend for FREE!

Youth Climate Action Summit
One-day workshop designed to prepare youth to become climate leaders. Included presentations about the current state of the climate, how to communicate about climate, how to build a movement, solutions to the climate crisis, climate justice issues, as well as self-care tips for climate activists. In June, 2019, the summit was attended by youth from 20 high schools around the San Diego area; in April, 2020 and April, 2021, the program was delivered online.
View recording of the Spring 2021 Youth4Climate: Leaders in Action Summit

Youth Climate Strikes
On Friday, Sept 20, 2019, 4,000 students from over 20 high schools and universities around San Diego County walked out of school to demand climate action in conjunction with the global climate strikes associated with #FridaysforFuture.