Volunteer Coordination Team

Welcomes and uplifts incoming Y4C youth volunteers by planning out socials and online calls for youth to participate in & sharing the range of ways they can get involved with Y4C.

Actions Team

Works to build and gain leadership skills through planning/hosting/facilitating events, and coming up with weekly challenges for the participants and yourself.

Communications Team

Using our social media platforms to raise awareness on global and local issues and solutions that you can partake in

Education and Outreach Team

Works to educate others on aspects of climate change that youth feel most passionate about! We strive to empower other youth and get the chance to develop relevant and educational projects.

Strategic Campaigns Team

Focuses on the creation of a campaign by organizing long-term projects designed to engage youth and build leadership opportunities for them.

Interested in joining? Fill out our volunteer interest form and we’ll contact you with more information.

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