We are a volunteer-led organization empowering youth to fight climate change. Explore all our volunteer teams below!  When you’re ready to join, click the button below to fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.


Youth v. Oil – Works to phase out oil extraction in California and supports communities most impacted by the drilling.

Find your power! Youth v. Oil consists of high school climate activists from all over San Diego county working together to create a fossil fuel-free future for all. The goal of this campaign is to persuade Governor Newsom to limit/outlaw fracking permits, thus moving us toward an environmentally sustainable and just future in California.


Youth v. Oil currently has a Media Team and a Vote for Climate Campaign Team. 

Youth4Climate Teams

Youth4Climate – Meets virtually from 7-8pm on Tuesdays to plan events, formulate ideas, and connect with other youth climate activists throughout San Diego. 

Media Team – Gets the word out about Youth4Climate happenings through social media, newsletters, blog posts, media interviews, and more!

Eco-Club Coalition – Welcomes high school clubs interested in making a larger impact on the world. The ECC meets monthly to provide support and guidance and is an inclusive and diverse group of students. We strategize together to discover the best ways to use our collective power to mobilize students and organize impactful events.

Adult Volunteer team

Adult Support Team – Collaborates with youth participating in Y4C programs, such as by assisting with project management. Provides continuity during youth team changes between semesters and breaks.

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