Safe and Healthy California Kickoff Event - March 2024
This event took place on March 23 (2024) at Centro Cultural de la Raza, where youth and adult members of SanDiego350 worked in collaboration to hold speeches, booths, Q&A panels, and chants in order to educate voters about SB 1137, a law that will guarantee 32000 setbacks between oil drilling sites and neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, and anywhere people inhabit. It was informative and impassioned, and marks the beginning of our efforts to activate communities and ensure no more drilling where we’re living. Guest speakers included Dr. Vi Nguyen, a member of San Diego Pediatricians For Clean Air, and Zachary Gomez, a member of the Environmental Health Coalition.

All Hands on Deck: Climate Leaders Don't Drill Action - Aug 2023
On August 6th (2023), youth from around San Diego gathered at San Diego Bay for the All Hands on Deck: Climate Leaders Don’t Drill Action. Throughout the event, youth leaders held speeches calling on Governor Newsom to take action and become the climate leader we need him to be by phasing out fossil fuels in California. Attendees pressed their handprint on the banner, pledging their support in urging Governor Newsom to phase up oil extraction in CA.

End Dependance on Fossil Fuels Day of Action - June 2023
This event took place on June 29th (2023) at Waterfront Park. It was a part of Last Chance Alliance’s End-Dependence Day Distributed Actions that took place all throughout California. The event consisted of youth speakers, a powerful original poem by a youth activist, an oil spill demonstration, and speeches that highlighted the experience of victims of neighborhood drilling and climate change. The event had around 45 people attending, surpassing our goal of 40 people. Notably, SDUSD school board member Cody Petterson was in attendance along with members of a local retirement home (showing the intergenerational reach of the fight for a fossil free future). We followed up the protest and demonstration with a community gathering with vegan food to celebrate End-Dependence Day.

Last Chance Alliance w/ Youth v. Oil: Big Oil Resistance Tour - May 2023
The Big Oil Resistance Tour’s stop in San Diego on May 6 (2023) was a hit, with more than a hundred concerned community members and seasoned climate activists alike learning more about the adverse effects of oil drilling and fossil fuel dependency in our area, and the need to hold our government accountable regarding this issue. The event addressed the negative implications of oil drilling and its effects on frontline communities. It included a panel of climate activists working to fight back against Big Oil, and they discussed ways to get involved, such as attending Last Chance Alliance (LCA) monthly calls and getting involved with SanDiego350 to work against unjust oil drilling.

Oil Spill Rally - March 2023
On Mar 3, 2023, youth across the globe held strikes for climate through Fridays for Future’s Global Climate Strike. Here in San Diego, Youth v. Oil members organized and participated in a rally with an oil spill action, where fake oil was poured on four students as another narrated the devastating impact of oil drilling and described the steps both Governor Newsom and the California State Legislature need to take in order to protect communities and the planet.
All photos in this section taken by Joe Orellana. Shown by permission from photographer.

Youth v. Oil Resolution - Big Win - April 2022
On April 21, 2022 at San Diego City Hall, the San Diego City Council Environment Committee voted unanimously to support the Youth v. Oil resolution. The vote followed our delivery of over 1,200 petition signatures to Councilmembers and an interview on KPBS’ Midday Edition.
The petition asks the City of San Diego to sign a resolution calling upon Governor Newsom to:
• Stop issuing new oil drilling permits and begin phasing out existing oil wells.
• Create 2,500 ft safety zones between oil extraction sites and our homes, schools, and workplaces.
• Develop and launch a concrete plan to end oil drilling in California.
Here’s what Councilmember Marni von Wilpert, Vice Chair of the Environment Committee, said about our efforts:
“It gives me so much hope to see the next generation fighting for our future, fighting to end our dependence on fossil fuels, and fighting to bring the very real dangers of climate change to the forefront.”
Our resolution was just passed 8-0 by the San Diego City Council, and they will publicly join the growing call for Governor Newsom to phase out oil drilling in California!