Vote for Climate Campaign

The Vote for Climate Campaign is a youth-led campaign focused on urging adults to make a climate vote for our future in the November 2024 election. 

Youth are unable to vote in the upcoming election even though it will have huge impacts on their future on this planet. We are urging adults to exercise their rights and prioritize climate when making their vote that will have a huge impact on youth’s future. 

While this country often focuses on federal elections, it is critical that we are also conscious of the environmental ballot measures that affect our state and communities.  Notably, we are asking adults in San Diego County to vote YES on Measure G to improve public transportation throughout the county. 

If you’re interested and would like to take a stand during one of the most important elections in history when it comes to our planet, contact Sofia or Kobi to get more involved and join our virtual meetings from 6-7pm every other Wednesday! 

Attend our Vote for Climate Youth Rally on October 12th from 12-2pm in Downtown San Diego at Ruocco Park. We will have all youth speakers, a powerful art build, and be registering people to vote. Join us to make your voices heard and urge adults to vote for our future!


Submit a photo of yourself holding up signs that say “Vote For My Future, Vote for Climate,” which will be included in our social media campaign. Follow these easy steps and DM your results to @youthvoil on Instagram, or upload to this folder!


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