Finding Your People

First, you’re going to need to find your squad.

Write down some people who might be excited about tackling the climate crisis with you:

Holding a Preliminary Meeting

Your next step will be to meet with a few core people to get things rolling. You might decide to choose leaders from this smaller group, or you may want to wait to select them at a future meeting with more people. 

The purpose of the preliminary meeting should be to start shaping your vision, with brainstorming and visioning activities.

Pick a time when your core group can all get together. Don’t worry about having things too figured out at this point—that will come later. It’s a good idea to create an agenda to cover everything.

How to create an Agenda

Use the following list to create a meeting agenda. Customize it to your needs.

LSHS Eco-Club
Preliminary Meeting

DATE: September 12, 2020

I. Introductions
II. Assign Notetaker
III. Vision for Club
IV. Leadership Roles?
V. Club Meeting Time
VI. Club Meeting Place
VII. Group Check-In
VIII. Next Steps?
Plan Kick-off Meeting!

Pro-Tip: To keep things on track, assign each agenda item a specific amount of time.

On the next page, check off which action items you’d like to discuss during your preliminary meeting. Fill in answers during the meeting as a group.

(List goes here)

Other Topics up for Discussion:

  • What is the purpose of this club? What are the goals?
  • What will club members do during meetings?
  • How often will the club meet?
  • What’s the best time to meet?
  • Where can the club meet?
  • How to make the club official?
  • Choose leadership roles at preliminary meeting or wait until a larger group meets?
    HINT: it may be easier to select roles at preliminary meeting, if the club is just getting started.

Club Structure

Executive Board

“I used to think it would be more democratic to have a decentralized leadership structure — where all club leaders (not just a select few) would make decisions together. I quickly learned that this diffused responsibility is uncomfortable for club members. But I still need support to make decisions, and that’s where an execute board comes in!”

Megan, HS EC President

To really get things done, having an Executive Board may give your club a stronger focus. Some people feel it’s essential to running a club. Members of the Executive Board help plan events, develop the club’s strategic plan, and execute tasks that would otherwise fall just to you — not a sustainable plan!

Executive Board Leadership Roles

Chair/Co-ChairsRuns and supervises club with help from other board members.
Vice ChairFills in when Chair isn’t available.
SecretaryTakes notes during club meetings, maintains club records, keeps members updated on club activities and events.
TreasurerManages club’s budget and expenses.
Administrative Liaison*Meets with administrators, handles paperwork, and lets club know what needs to be done for official business.
Outreach*Works with other Board members to increase membership and participation in club events.
Communications*Keeps members updated on club activities. Provides press releases and other social media posts.
Optional ~ Duties may be performed by basic group. Works with other Board members to increase membership and participation in club events.

More on the Leadership Team

If you have a solid executive board already in place, you might want to create a plan for the entire term (see “Strategic Plan” on page ). To start off strong, begin with a “Kick-Off” event or meeting.

Having the next event at least figured out as an idea will keep club members interested and involved.

Your Kick-Off!

Now you’re ready to hold your first meeting with a larger group — it’s usually your firs big event to attract members and launch the club. Invite students and get the word out.

Planning Your First Event of the Year

Two ways to go to introduce your club to the rest of the school:

  • Go Big! Kick-off with an event like the ones the club will be doing throughout the year. Helps give your club visibility ~ potential members will experience what the club is all about right away.
  • Ease Into Things. Start off with an informational meeting. Potential members can ask questions, see photos, and/or watch a video of what your club is all about.
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