Abby Costello
Youth4Climate Intern

Pronouns: she/her

Abby is a senior at Hilltop High School. She has worked with SD350 as a public speaker, planner, and social media representative. Living in Chula Vista her whole life, Abby believes that the community deserves more education and representation in the climate justice movement. Through this internship, Abby hopes to extend awareness and opportunities for climate activism to her community, and to serve as a voice and representative for Chula Vista youth.

Daniel Hernandez
South Bay Community Liaison Intern

Pronouns: he/him

Daniel is the South Bay Community Liaison Intern and a senior at Bonita Vista High School. Growing up as a first generation Mexican American, Daniel understands the need for the South Bay to unite against climate injustice. As the South Bay Community Liaison Intern, he will work alongside teachers and give input on the development of a clean energy curriculum. Daniel hopes to connect with students and build enthusiasm for a clean climate future by leading student activities outside the classroom, and encourage students to bring clean energy conversations to friends and family. 

Emma Weibel
Youth v. Oil Intern

Pronouns: she/her

Emma is a history and politics lover first and foremost. She is extremely passionate about the intersectionalities of the climate movement and fighting for a more just future. She is currently leading Youth v. Oil and is the president of her high school eco club: La Jolla Environmental Action. Her various roles throughout her time at Youth4Climate have helped shape her place in this movement: as a communicator and the girl behind the megaphone.

Lexi Rueff
Chula Vista Youth Program Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her

Lexi works to understand the interests and skills of Y4C volunteers and get them engaged in the work.  Lexi has been an enthusiastic part of Youth4Climate since 2020. Lexi graduated from Indiana University in 2017, where she double majored in Spanish and Comparative Literature and minored in Anthropology. She recently graduated from a Sustainability Leadership masters program at Claremont Lincoln University. She is passionate about the ocean and plastic pollution and is proud to be part of the youth-led climate movement!

McGarrah Wilson
Youth4Climate Program Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her

McGarrah became passionate about the environment from a young age when experiencing poor air quality, polluted waterways, and lead-contaminated drinking water growing up in Pittsburgh, PA. She graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Environmental Studies and has worked with youth in a variety of fields from running a leadership training program to working in youth mental health. As the Youth Program Coordinator, McGarrah activates and empowers the next generation of climate leaders and believes youth are the future of the climate movement.

2024 - 2025 Volunteer Leadership

Abby Deckert
SanDiego350 Board Member, Former Youth v. Oil Intern

Pronouns: she/her

Abby led the Youth v. Oil campaign, working to stop oil fracking in California through rallying, advocacy, and meeting with local elected officials. Abby is currently a senior at Santana High School where she runs the Climate Action Club aiming to educate their community on the climate crisis. Abby co-led the 2023 Youth4Climate Earth Day Campaign, helping high schools across San Diego County to organize impactful Earth Day events. She is very passionate about connecting students through activism and believes it is vital that as youth we fight for our future against the climate crisis. She now serves as a Board Member for SanDiego350.

Alexis Hernandez-Sumulat
Eco-Club Coalition Co-Lead

Pronouns: she/her

Alexis is a senior at Point Loma High School. She took on environmental justice due to her passion for becoming a Marine Biologist and love for the environment. She uses her skills to teach younger generations the importance of the environment through her own project Garden4OurYouth. Excited and ready to take on any challenge she may face, Alexis couldn’t have gotten as far without her family support.

Allison Lee
Youth Volunteer Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her

Allison is a senior at Del Norte High School and a volunteer coordinator for the youth programming. She has been driven by passion for the environment and environmental justice to educate and empower youth through outreach efforts and leading her own youth literary magazine. By harnessing collective power for outreach and education, she aims to support an impactful, growing climate movement.

Amina Aslam-Mir
Youth v. Oil Media Team Lead

Pronouns: she/her

Amina is a senior at Del Norte High School. She joined Youth v. Oil in 2022, and has taken on the role of Media Team Lead for the upcoming year. Amina aims to create and coordinate high quality media material for the Youth v. Oil social media and blog, in order to contribute to a better future for the planet and it’s people. She hopes to effectively combine her passion for the environment, social justice, and communications in order to make a difference.

Azalea Angeles
Youth4Climate Media Team Lead

Pronouns: she/her

Azalea is a senior at SDSCPA. This year she will be participating in several roles serving her peers and neighborhood including ASB Senior Class Secretary, President of First-Gen and Community Canvases which both specialize in serving SD youth with art and education, as well as being the head of the publicity committee of a AAPI youth led organization; RAYS. As an Asian American who didn’t grow up understanding or really indulging in climate related topics, she hopes to progressively merge the two together and support her AAPI youth and adult community through being a climate advocate and believer.

Daryn Tarasewicz
Youth v. Oil Legislative Liaison

Pronouns: she/her

Daryn is a freshman at Canyon Crest Academy. Since joining Youth v. Oil in September of 2023, she has been speaking with government officials, tabling at and helping plan events, and making public comments at various city councils around the county. As a hardcore treehugger, she has an unwavering love for nature and learning. Through advocacy and outreach, Daryn aims to connect these two things to inspire the next generation’s wave of passionate activists for a sustainable future.

Elena Grilli
Eco-Club Coalition Co-Lead

Pronouns: she/her

Elena loves learning about all things climate, from exciting new technologies to the policies shaping our future. She is a senior at La Jolla High School and co-lead of the Eco Club Coalition, where she is working to connect eco clubs across San Diego under a common community of youth fighting for the environment. She is often found at the library or riding her bike around San Diego.

Sofia Carrasco
Youth v. Oil Resolution Team Lead

Pronouns: she/her

Sofia has always been passionate about protecting our planet, and works currently as Youth v. Oil’s Resolution Team Lead. She is a student at Canyon Crest Academy and hopes to fight for a more just future for youth and humanity as a whole. Sofia believes that the environment is one aspect of our world that everyone can relate to, and intends to assist the climate movement through local policy, action, writing, and awareness.

Taarika Sethee
Youth Volunteer Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her

Taarika is a Volunteer Outreach Coordinator, focusing on recruiting and welcoming new volunteers. She is currently a freshman at Canyon Crest Academy and hopes to get more youth incorporated with all of the youth programming. She has always been very passionate about nature and animals, which steered her towards environmental activism. Taarika’s achievements in public speaking and love for teaching students led her to this role. She emphasizes the importance of youth involvement since this will be their planet in the future.


Sydney Chan
Youth4Climate Intern

Pronouns: she/they

Sydney was the Youth4Climate intern for two years and went to Canyon Crest Academy. As a young person involved in the movement, they urged their peers to find their voices and take action. During her time as the Youth4Climate intern, she onboarded new members and planned events & actions. By channeling community power into organization, they created an impact within climate activism and its further intersections. Sydney also volunteered on the Youth v. Oil Campaign. They discovered the strength of collective power in the social justice movement and reoriented their activism to ensure their efforts are intentional and effective! Sydney is currently attending NYU and plans to double major in Public Policy and Social & Cultural Analysis. 

Rami Kabakibi
Youth4Climate Intern

Pronouns: he/him

Rami went to Torrey Pines High School and is extremely passionate about the environment and believes the climate crisis is the single biggest threat to his generation’s future. He participated in sustainability initiatives at his high school and school district, and co-led Youth4Climate’s 2023 Waves of Change Summit. He finds hope and motivation in connecting with like-minded and passionate youth through Y4C, and will continue to engage with San Diego’s environmental community by planning events, actions and other opportunities for his generation to unite in the fight for their future. Rami now attends UC Berkeley. 

Xavier Holmes
Youth4Climate Program Coordinator

Pronouns: they/them

Xavier led SD350’s Youth4Climate Program to help develop the future leaders of the climate crisis. They built efficacy and meaningful connections within marginalized communities. Additionally, they had many years of experience coordinating volunteers to help serve the d/Deaf and Disabled communities in Pittsburgh. As a young climate activist at the University of Pittsburgh, they worked with grassroots organizations to pressure the university to divest from fossil fuels, and conducted research to highlight the consequences of the school’s environmentally racist practices within Black communities. They supported SD350’s mission to foster a safe and inclusive environment for youth from all walks of life, ultimately making the effort to save our planet more accessible for everyone.

Megan Phelps
Youth4Climate Program Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her

Megan developed and lead SD350’s Youth4Climate Program for youth climate leaders through June, 2023. In spring of 2021, she graduated with high honors as a Regents Scholar from UC Davis with a B.S. in Environmental Science and Management. At UC Davis, she founded and led a climate action club, and she continues to pressure the administration to end its reliance on fossil fuels for energy. Megan also worked at the Climate Psychology and Action Lab at UC San Diego, where she researched how to inspire collective action for climate justice.

Maddie Chesebro
Youth v. Oil Intern

Pronouns: she/her

Maddie coordinated the Youth v. Oil campaign, a part of Youth4Climate, which works with elected officials to pass legislation that encourages a just transition from oil reliance. She was a senior at Granite Hills High School, and is hoping to major in Environmental Policy/Sociology in college. Maddie ran her school’s Environmental and Social Justice Club and co-led the 2022 Y4C Summit, along with her social media managing work. She is extremely passionate about making every voice heard and uplifted, and is excited for her future in climate related work. Maddie now attends UC Berkeley. 

Alli Dangio

Alessandra “Alli” Dangio’
College Intern

Pronouns: she/her

Alli worked to build and support the High School Climate Action Education Project. She helped create lesson plans, educational activities and action opportunities for teachers and students in high schools located in environmental justice communities. She was a first-year at San Diego Miramar College, where she has been studying Anthropology and Environmental Policy and Economics. She views climate change as the biggest threat to global justice and equity, and hopes to combat its negative effects through uplifting and centering the voices of historically marginalized people, who for too long have been on the frontline of environmental issues.

Evalyse Estradaflores
Communications Intern

Pronouns: she/her

Evalyse went to and was an Eco-Club president at Otay Ranch High School. Evalyse worked to develop an engaging and inspiring communications plan to inform, inspire, and engage the Youth4Climate community. Through her love of public speaking and content creating Evalyse focused on expanding Youth4Climate’s audiences and captivating their enthusiasm for climate action! She empowered her generation to take action in protecting the planet! Evalyse now attends UCLA. 

Theo Martien
Eco Club Coalition Intern

Pronouns: he/they

Theo worked to develop and expand Youth4Climate’s coalition of environmental and social justice oriented clubs. They went to Mt. Everest Academy, where they ran a social justice club. As an intern, Theo cultivated a community of climate leaders and fight for climate justice. Theo now studies at Columbia University.

Keala Minna-Choe
Board Member, Youth v. Oil Intern

Pronouns: she/her

Keala worked to phase out fossil fuels and advocate for a just transition to renewable energy. As a youth, she believed that helping fight our current climate crisis is the best way to help preserve her future. As the Youth v. Oil Intern, she worked to design resolutions for students to call upon the CA Governor to stop issuing new oil drilling permits and create a comprehensive plan to phase current oil sites out. Keala went to Canyon Crest Academy and learned about how she could make the world a better place. She also served as a Board Member for SanDiego350. Keala now attends UT Austin.

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